Something strange is brewing in Lake City… as the summer comes to a close, Ruby finds herself caught in a torrent of trouble when a stranger blows into town. Relationships are put to the test, lines are drawn and a choice is made when the ways of the Royal Sky Court rain down upon Ruby and the gang. Weathering through a storm of secrets, spells and yet another life-changing adventure… who will survive in its wake? Find out just what mysteries are revealed in this third, magical installment of the Ruby Blue Series!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the third book in The Ruby Blue Series. I "Fashizzilly Freakin' Fantabulous!!!" LOVED IT!
Ruby Blue is a fantastic character. She is a typical teenager, full of angst and sarcasm, who loves ice cream and converse shoes. But she also is not so typical in that she can see fairies, and has begun to acquire powers courtesy of a dragon bite.
In this story, we get to see Ruby trying to come to terms with her new abilities, and starting a new school year with a gorgeous hunk for a boyfriend, Nick. I was quickly sucked back into story and was happy to meet Nick, Jeremy, Brennan and Anya again. I was a bit disappointed that Anya was unable to be in the story as much, due to her royal duties. However, Brennan has a bigger presence in this story; I really liked this, as it gave me a chance to get to know him better. Jeremy is his usually flamboyant self; he had me giggling with his sayings (see above quote). There is also a new character introduced in the book. Her name is Katrina, but Ruby quickly re-names her Ka-Trampy, which actually suits this character's personality perfectly! She's not exactly a nice person either!
There is action, drama and romance aplenty in this third book, with lots of twists and splashes of humour that made this book a pleasure to read! There is also a surprising twist near the end, which made me go (all soft and gooey) "Awww!". I am now looking forward to reading the fourth book in the series, Forever Blue, as soon as possible!
Julie Cassar has written another amazing tale in this YA romance series. I am a massive fan of hers! This story is fast paced, and it flowed beautifully. I think that this YA series is one of the best I have read this year!
I HIGHLY recommend this book (and series) if you love YA romances or fantasy genres. - Lynn Worton
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