Mymy, the porn star. Able, the hacker, Yoshi, the retired corporate ninja. Three unconnected people whose lives lead them down a rabbit hole of conspiracy, danger and terrifying truths. Haven't you heard yet? The world is owned - bought and paid for, and those in control are not happy with the rest of us. Not happy at all. Project Uberlord has started. Our time draws near.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.
This is the second book I have read from this author. It is an intriguing read and I really enjoyed it!
Mymy Gabour is a porn star and businesswoman. She is not some bimbo with more assets than brains. I really liked her sharp mind, but I found myself shaking my head at her naivety in certain situations. Nevertheless, I found her to have more bravery then some men!
Able Mente is a complete computer geek. He's a hacker with morals (go figure). I liked this young man; he is smart and clever, but his over confidence tends to get him into trouble.
Yoshi Yamomotto is a Japanese corporate ninja (a type of assassin) who has retired. I liked this elderly man, who lives in the tradition of ninja warriors. He may have retired, but that doesn't mean he's not lethal!
This is the second book I have read by this author. I must admit that I was unsure I would enjoy this book, as his first one was rather on the grim and bloodthirsty side. However, I am pleased to say that I was completely hooked! The story is a suspenseful, thought provoking read that started off slowly, but gathered pace as the characters found themselves in danger. The three characters are quite lifelike and have interesting personalities. Each character has a chapter to themselves, so the reader gets to see things from their points of view. I liked how the author built up the intrigue, with shadowy figures that chased the main characters. The conspiracies used by the author in the story made for a compelling read; some I had heard of before, but some were new. Unfortunately, I didn't find them all believable. However, there maybe truth in them. Then again, they could be made up and full of lies. I am rather an open minded person, who knows we are being mislead or lied to about certain events, or things in the world. However, that's what makes conspiracies so compelling - the lack of evidence either way. The unknown is always mysterious and will keep mankind exploring the "what if" conundrum. The author has created such a scenario with this tale. If what he proposed in his book is at all possible, I would be absolutely horrified! I do know that we already use certain aspects of his conspiracy, but if the whole became true, I shudder to think of what that would mean for the world as a whole. In the wrong hands, it could mean a dictatorship or Armageddon!
Mark Anderson has written a compellingly dark and suspenseful read that had me turning the pages! I have found that his writing/story telling ability had improved considerably since his debut novel, and wonder what he may come up with next!
Although there is not a lot of sexual activity in this story, there are scenes of gore and violence. Therefore, I do not recommend this book to younger readers or those of a nervous disposition. I do, however, recommend this book if you love mystery, suspense or thriller genres with more conspiracies than you could shake a stick at! - Lynn Worton
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