The highly anticipated third book in the Amelia Maylock series. -
They all started walking up the bank and used the tree trunks as cover, concealing themselves in the shadows when they moved, silently. It was a needed skill too as Maratlus had guards on patrol near the metal entrances to the caves. Some were creatures that Amelia recognised from her training with the old hag - when she created attackers for Amelia to overcome, safely - and others were large, muscular people. The creatures were called hybrids because Erryaz had used her evil magic to create many drones, for uses such as this. The creatures here looked like humans cross bred with dogs or wolves. They stood upright on two legs, yet were covered in fur and had a long snout and extremely sharp teeth. They were all heavily armed and simply stood on watch, turning their heads left and right in a monotonous rhythm.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the third book in the Amelia Maylock series for young adults (age range 9 to 14). I absolutely loved it!
Amelia Maylock is a fantastic character. Her powers are growing and she is growing in confidence too. I thoroughly enjoyed watching her trying to live as a normal teenager whilst fighting the Maratlus and her evil twin sister, Erryaz. It's not easy - I am a bit in awe of her!
This story carries on from the end of the second book. I was completely hooked from the first page. The mystery surrounding the "friendly voice" that Amelia hears has been revealed to a point (his name is still a mystery), and Anin, Ferul, Ral are still in a state of stasis. However, all that is about to change when danger threatens. Erryaz is still trying to find the missing gems, and Amelia is in a race to find them before she does. There are a few new dimensions to travel to, and new friends and foes to meet. There are also a few twists and turns that surprised me. One of them being the appearance of Ysmirao and her gift to Amelia. I would love to be given that gift! Unfortunately, there is also a traitor in their midst, and Amelia and the gang have to find out who it is.
This story has a blend of fantasy, magic and reality that will appeal to young readers and keep them entertained. I am now looking forward to reading the next book in the series to find out what happens next!
Jason Ellis has written an exciting YA fantasy/adventure series that will keep youngsters hooked from the first page! I love his writing style, which is fast paced and flows beautifully. This author is on my Favourite Authors list.
I highly recommend this book (and series) to not only boys and girls aged between 9 to 14, but to adults who love the younger YA genre. - Lynn Worton
View all my reviews
I love the cover too! These books sound really intriguing.